Employee bullying in politics - Kriss' musings

Employee bullying in politics - Kriss' musings

by The Akabusi Company

Is it just me, or is the treatment of Prime Minister May extending from cringe-worthy into outright bullying? 

Perhaps I'm getting old, but in my view, such open abuse and hectoring of an employee in the workplace is completely out of order. I thought the same when the leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, experienced similar public personal attacks during his first year in office. 

My question: is this really acceptable in 21st-century Britain?

As Prime Minister May presented the closing speech at the Conservative Party conference, some “Comedian” was able to get within feet of her, to hand-deliver a bogus P45. Now, if this is not alarming then I don't know what is. In the context of these troubling times, where security is of paramount importance, the fact that some random can get so close (in an uncoordinated approach) to the Prime Minister is evidence of lax security and is deeply concerning to say the least.

At this stage, let me put my cards on the table: I have voted Conservative on occasions, but also Labour on a few.

Theresa May’s (I’d like to place emphasis on the human behind this drama) fit of coughing that followed is most definitely, in my book, stress-related and is an example of psychosomatic reaction formation. It is well known that, as a fear in the modern human psyche, public speaking is third only to death and taxes. 

I’ve seen many people crumble at the podium. Prime Minister May is not a natural speaker, is definitely not charismatic and finds it difficult to speak in an exemplary manner. Quite simply put, public speaking is not her forte. What she is good at doing is managing, directing, researching, and scoping. Mrs May works well when systems, processes and procedures are clearly defined, and when the visions and values of an organisation (in this instance the country and her political party) are aligned with her innate vision of reality. The Prime Minister is typical ‘apparatchik’ material, and when she was quoted as saying, “The right person for the job” I’m sure that she was thinking in terms of the right person for managing, leading and administrating the Brexit negotiations.

In Motivational Maps language, I’m sure, if profiled, one would find “Expert”, “Searcher” and “Defender” high up on Mrs May’s natural drivers, with “Director” and “Spirit” above the line too. I suspect one would find that “Friend” and “Star” would be vying for the ninth place, closely followed by “Creator”.

As an “Expert”, attention to detail is of paramount importance and nothing would be worse for an “Expert” than to be found wanting in an area where research and revision could have pre-empted failure. This being said, my belief is that it is not in Mrs May’s nature to be exemplary when put on the spot, or to be asked to deal with vagrancies that have not been thought through. Clearly as a “Defender” she would have prepared for various scenarios, but I’m sure we can all concur that even the best strategist could not have foreseen the jester in the courtyard or the letters falling, so ironically, from the backdrop to her stage.

My final thoughts: the Prime Minister is at work and deserves a safe environment to deliver her service to the country. 

Over the next two years, Mrs May deserves our respect and backing to do the best for Britain. It behoves those in her party to surround her and make sure she is allowed to “get on with the job” - which I would suggest is in the executive driving seat, from the position of her board room, surrounded by a close cabinet of highly skilled people to keep her up to date with the zeitgeist. 

The forward-facing public speaking should be done by the likes of Boris Johnson (who does not know his brief) who can speak on the hoof, Michael Gove (who looks calm and collected even when he is lying) who looks good and believable in front of camera, and Amber Rudd who, even when severe, for my money still comes across as personable. Add to that list Dr Liam Fox and David Davis and there are more than enough people to be in the spotlight and deal with policy both at home and abroad. Whatever the decisions, the fourth estate and other political commentaries should stop bullying the employee in the work place. It would be unacceptable in the corporate sphere and should be likewise in the political arena too.

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